
Guys my blog has moved, as of today I have my own website! So if you wish to continue this journey along with me click here. I look forward to seeing y’all there! I know its a little different format but don’t worry everything has been consolidated there and all my posts from both blogs can be found there along with pictures from my trips and the new podcast I am beginning. God Bless! See ya there!

My Prayer

Stepping Stones Of Tears

My Prayer

I’m broken down, beat up, shredded and taped back together. My prayers are insincere my life is falling apart. The voice I want so desperately to hear is not my own in fact no longer does the reverberating sound of peace corse through my ears. My sin has led to me to a place of regret and anger, yet my pride keeps me at bay. When I stopped searching it was a slow fade away from glory and yet the effect was immediate. I have seen countless others go down the same path often gawking, in awe of authenticity in their eyes, the acceptance of such a life or death decision. and yet here i am lost and drowning, a fear grips me, a terror that i can only realize in my dreams. is there a search party sent to rescue me or am i destined to be…

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The Calling

 As I set silently listening to the choir practice their songs on my last Friday in Brazil I picked up a magazine to glance through. Now my first language is not Portuguese and as for it being my second language, my grasp of it is far from this category. But there were pictures, and thus I was interested. It was the May 2013 issue of Adventist World it contained a summarized history of the Seventh day Adventist church. Near the end of the issue there were some bubbles that contained what looked like statistics so I began to decipher what I could of these numbers and I came to a shocking realization. This short and condensed page had listed the number of church members on the books as of 2011. Now that’s not the surprising part, the part that took me aback was the number of persons who are baptized members,  a whopping 17,214,683 Adventist church members. Now you may be saying “Wow! What a number that’s amazing! The word is spreading!” But this people, is in fact, as far as I can tell a horrible number! First of all let us realize that roughly calculating from the 7 billion people the reside on planet earth this leaves approximately   6,982,785,317 persons who we either unknown to one of our church members,have accepted another belief system or have simply been disregarded. Broken down for you this means that for every church member there is approximately 407 lost or wandering souls to reach! Now I want you to think about that number, 407 now that is a huge number for one person! You!  Yeah, you need to start a mega-church… Your outreach, your witness, and your testimony is needed to reach a small town or large village! Often we sit comfortably in our pews  on sabbath morning saying Amen when we are supposed to, comforting our struggling brothers and sisters with the empty promise of prayers and reciting our Weekly rehearsed Good mornings and Happy Sabbaths!  Now you may be thinking, “But there are people for that, people God has called like pastors who go off to school to learn this stuff, elders and deacons who have been voted by the church, missionaries who go to foreign countries  and people who were born leaders.”So Here is a news flash just for you, GOD HAS CALLED YOU!! Yeah you, you the person who complains as they drive to work every morning because the traffic is rough forgetting that the homeless person waiting at the stop light holding his poorly written sign begging for money longs to sit in your place. You can try to downgrade yourself so you feel less responsible but the truth God has called you! When he placed you in the environment you are in he said “I have equipped you to be a witness to these particular people!” The missionary who is in Thailand is not coming by your work tomorrow to witness to your coworkers with whom you converse every day.  When you took your baptismal vows and died to your earthly self as your body was plunged into your watery grave you made a promise, maybe it was a broken moment at three in the Morning when you felt the pull of God upon your hearts deepest corners and you fell to your knees alone in the dark and turned your life over to him either way He has called you! There are at least 407 people out there who are waiting on you! You are needed, you are wanted, and you are called! I am not saying you all need to go out and preach a sermon or creep people out by simply walking up to them and asking if they know Jesus.  Accept YOUR call not someone else’s! Be a witness in ALL you are. Make Christianity more then a religious title enable the world to see the reflection of Christ through you. We are all called to be disciples! Follow, reflect and testify of the God you claim to follow, of the God you call upon when times are tough and the God whose love is explained in the well known verse in John 3:16! This is your wake up call, for God does not call the qualified but rather he has and will continue to qualify the called! ” And he said to them,’Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole of creation.” Mark 16:15Image

Let it Be… And it Was!

I read a quote that said “Hell is coming to the end of your life and the person you are meets the person you could have been.” -Unknown. I have always been an ambitious person or what some may call an idealist. But I lack a couple major skill sets required to enact my plans. For one would be my lack of willpower, I have absolute no track record in once devising a plan, sticking with it. Number two I lack the initiative to get the ball rolling, I have a hard time approaching people and asking the hard questions which ultimately leaves me with many missed opportunities. And lastly I suffer from an ever rising and raging problem known simply as laziness. So there it is, my major character flaws laid out. I once started a blog called Steppingstonesoftears but honestly I had no idea what I was doing. It is a collection of some devotional thoughts, personal thoughts, videos, and quotes but it is not exactly what I ever intended for it to be. So here I am hopefully starting the one thing I hope I will follow through with, keep up on, and be able to openly express what life is slowly and painfully teaching me. I suffer with mild anxiety mixed in with depression and although many do not know this I think it is important for you, as the individual reading this to know because it speaks in bounds to the reason for this blog. Almost everyday it is a struggle to crawl out of my bed, the energy I know it will take to face my day is sometimes quite an overwhelming thought. Today I have decided to turn over a new leaf in my journey of life. I have realized that I need to start looking at the brighter side of life, to know the sun is there when all I can see is a shadow. This blog Journey of One Thousand Years I promise will be full of random thoughts, lessons learned, sometimes sermons taught. But this will be my daily journey, my struggle, my victories, my epiphanies, my eurekas and my scribbles of thought. I hope to stay faithful in writing this blog and I hope in some way you  can relate. I do not want to on my death bed look back at my life and see all the wasted opportunity. All the times I was unable to help someone because I feared what was outside of my comfort zone, that it would be to much work or that I would mess something up. I want to live as if each day were may last journey, my last opportunity to fulfill my life’s purpose and goal! I challenge you to do the same 😀